

Southwest Quinoa Salad
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March 1, 2018
Okay, first things first…in case you’re wondering what that funny ‘Q’ word is in the name of this recipe…quinoa (keen-wah) is a seed used in cooking much like rice, only it’s gluten free and has a host of other healthy benefits! You can read more about quinoa HERE ! I like cooking with quiona beca
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Better Than Sex Cake
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February 22, 2018
I know a lot of people like to call this dessert something else, but I’m sticking with the original, so Better Than Sex Cake it is! Hope it doesn’t offend anyone’s sensitivities too much, because once you make it, you will understand. Trust a girl.
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Puppy Chow
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February 15, 2018
Puppy Chow is one of those things that didn’t exist in my growing up world. If I was really lucky, someone would bring it for treat day at school and I’d get to enjoy its powdered sugar goodness! Ah, the ‘80’s…a magical time when no one had food allergies and we weren’t afraid of a rogue parent pois
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Triple Layer Chocolate Cake
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February 8, 2018
When I decided that I was going to make this amazingly decadent cake, my main concern was—did we have enough milk on-hand? Basically, you will need an entire gallon of milk at the ready because this triple layer delight is so rich!
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Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Dessert Hummus
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February 1, 2018
Ok, right up front…this is not as delicious as chocolate chip cookie dough. I love cookie dough with all my heart and as much as I would love for this recipe to be all that, it’s not. It is however pretty darn tasty and I’ve also made a brownie version I’ll be sharing soon.
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Panang Chicken Curry
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January 25, 2018
Do you have a list of foods that you don’t like, but want to? Curry has been one of those dishes for me. It’s all the things I love, though…rice or noodles or even rice noodles, veggies, sauce (I want all the sauces on everything I eat). For some reason, though, curry has been something I’ve avoided
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Chicken Puffs
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January 18, 2018
I was in a ladies’ bible study, what seems like a lifetime ago, and at one of our Christmas get-togethers, the hostess made these cream cheesy chicken puff things that I was completely obsessed with. I’ve made them a zillion times since then and they change every time because I struggle with using r
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Holly Drop Cookies
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January 11, 2018
My mother-in-law was one of the best bakers I’ve ever met. She won ribbons at the state fair for her pies, decorated beautiful cakes for all occasions, and made plates of goodies at the holidays. A few years ago, I asked Jason what his favorite cookie was that she used to make, and he quickly told m
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Turkey Pot Pie
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January 4, 2018
I posted a picture on Instagram after I had made this turkey pot pie—the week after Thanksgiving. I had tagged it: Thanksgiving left-overs and knew I had to qualify that statement b/c everyone would be doing the math for how old the turkey was I had used. Just so everyone can rest easy…I had frozen
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Ham + Potato Soup
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December 21, 2017
We are heading into soup weather here in Iowa and I can’t get enough of it. The soup, that is…not the weather. It’s always amazing to me how easy it is to come up with ingredients for a pot of soup from my cupboards and refrigerator/freezer, even if I don’t plan ahead for it.
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Oreo Fluff
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December 14, 2017
I don’t know if everyone has had the pleasure of picking out food that’s displayed in giant bowls, sitting on ice, behind a glass counter, but if not…you for sure need to at least once. We didn’t grow up eating a lot of pre-made foods, especially the expensive stuff from the grocery store deli, but
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The Only Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe You’ll Ever Need
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December 7, 2017
I am admittedly a ‘dumper’ when it comes to cooking—I have a hard time being prepared enough to have all the ingredients for a recipe and usually just kind of wing it. Sometimes, though, you just have to admit that only a recipe will do. Chicken noodle soup is one of those dishes that I’ve never qui
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