How to Cut + Prepare a Cantaloupe
October 31, 2018

How to Cut + Prepare a Cantaloupe

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Okay…so you might not know this about me, but before I started my interior decorating business, I worked for a local grocery store for 20 years. I know, that’s bonkers. I’m clearly not old enough to have worked somewhere for 20 years…but it somehow happened. Ha! For those of you who are from Iowa, I worked for Fareway, and did just about all the jobs there are to do in the store. One of those included running the produce department and that was by-far one of my faves! I learned so much and loved keeping everything fresh + beautiful!

One of the best take-aways from my time in the produce department was how to prep different fruits + veggies in the most efficient way. Sometimes it can be intimidating knowing how to cut + prep certain items, but it doesn’t have to be if you know the right steps.

I got a beautiful cantaloupe from my mom’s hubby’s garden last week and it was finally ready to cut yesterday, so I thought I’d share the steps with you! Once you go through these steps a few times, you won’t be intimidated by cutting a melon of any kind again, as the steps are basically the same for all of them.

How to Cut + Prepare a Cantaloupe |
  1. Cut melon in half, end to end.

How to Cut + Prepare a Cantaloupe |

2. Scoop out the seeds using an ice cream scoop, making this step quick and clean. You can find one of my favorite scoops to use HERE.

How to Cut + Prepare a Cantaloupe |

3. Cut each half of the melon into quarters.

How to Cut + Prepare a Cantaloupe |

4. Cut each quarter into bite-sized pieces—running the knife through the melon down to the rind, without cutting through it.

How to Cut + Prepare a Cantaloupe |

5. Place your knife on the end of the melon quarter between the melon and the rind. Run the knife the length of the quarter, separating the melon bites from the rind.

How to Cut + Prepare a Cantaloupe |

6. You’re ready to enjoy!

How to Cut + Prepare a Cantaloupe |

To make the process even easier, you can find my favorite cutting board and knife HERE and HERE! You legit will love this knife…I promise!

Happy eating!

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