Puppy Chow
February 15, 2018

Puppy Chow

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Puppy Chow is one of those things that didn’t exist in my growing up world. If I was really lucky, someone would bring it for treat day at school and I’d get to enjoy its powdered sugar goodness! Ah, the ‘80’s…a magical time when no one had food allergies and we weren’t afraid of a rogue parent poisoning us. #thegoodolddays

Full bowl of puppy chow on a Bye Felicia kitchen towel. Get the recipe at hprallandco.com.

Fast forward to my adulthood and, up until two years ago, I’d still never made puppy chow for myself. Our friend Gina makes THE best chow ever (I request it for every road trip), though, so I asked for her recipe and my love affair with puppy chow blossomed.

Puppy Chow recipe by H.Prall & Co. | Interior Decorating blog at hprallandco.com

My main goal for the finished product is to have a bowl-full of chunks; big pieces of cereal all glued together with delicious chocolatey, peanut buttery goodness! Trust me, you will want this to happen too!

Puppy Chow in a Pyrex bowl from H.Prall & Co. Interior Decorating. Get the recipe at hprallandco.com!

What You’ll Need:

15 oz box of Rice Chex

2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 ½ stick margarine or butter

1 ½ cup creamy peanut butter

Powdered sugar


  1. Melt margarine/butter in a pan with chocolate chips and peanut butter.

  2. In a large bowl, pour melted mixture over the top of the Chex cereal, stirring gently to coat.

  3. Pour cereal into a double-layered paper bag (ask at the grocery store, they’ll give you two unused bags).

  4. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

  5. Shake to coat; let cool.

  6. Once the mixture has cooled, add a bit more powdered sugar, shake, and transfer to a container with a lid or a storage bag.

Recipe for Puppy Chow by H.Prall & Co. | hprallandco.com

May your puppy chow be filled with extra powdered sugar and lots of yummy chunks! Like the towel says, it’ll be ‘bye, Felicia,’ to the whole batch once you take your first bite! Get a sassy towel of your own HERE!

print recipe
Puppy Chow
  • 15 oz box Rice Chex
  • 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 ½ stick margarine or butter
  • 1 ½ cup creamy peanut butter
  • powdered sugar
1. Melt margarine/butter in a pan with chocolate chips and peanut butter.2. In a large bowl, pour melted mixture over the top of the Chex cereal, stirring gently to coat. 3. Pour cereal into a double-layered paper bag (ask at the grocery store, they’ll give you two unused bags).4. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.5. Shake to coat; let cool. 6. Once the mixture has cooled, add a bit more powdered sugar, shake, and transfer to a container with a lid or a storage bag.
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