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I am admittedly a ‘dumper’ when it comes to cooking—I have a hard time being prepared enough to have all the ingredients for a recipe and usually just kind of wing it. Sometimes, though, you just have to admit that only a recipe will do. Chicken noodle soup is one of those dishes that I’ve never qui
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Okay, full-disclosure…I’ve been on a diet my entire life. I came into the world chubby and it was my parents’ mission to get the chub off. Looking back, I know they were doing what they thought was right, but I also know that weight is tied to so much more than food. That’s all a story for another d
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I don’t know about you, but I’m always skeptical when the food I’m going to eat has the name of another food. Like…a cheeseburger is a sandwich, not a soup. I’m so happy that I looked past whatever misgivings I had with the name of this tasty soup, though, because it has become one of my favorites a
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As I’m sitting at my desk typing this, the weather is showing itself to finally be Fall! This time of the year holds a special place in my heart; lovely parts of my life’s story had their start in the months of Fall. The Mr. and I began our relationship toward the end of Summer in 2000…but I have fo
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