Oreo Fluff
December 14, 2017

Oreo Fluff

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I don’t know if everyone has had the pleasure of picking out food that’s displayed in giant bowls, sitting on ice, behind a glass counter, but if not…you for sure need to at least once. We didn’t grow up eating a lot of pre-made foods, especially the expensive stuff from the grocery store deli, but sometimes, the stars aligned, and we got to eat this “naughty” food. One of my favorites has always been Oreo Fluff. It’s usually called Cookies and Cream salad, which cracks me up because this is so far from being a salad, or anything healthy!

Some recipes call for cream cheese, but I like the lightness of this version. Some also call for marshmallows. Now, I love marshmallows, but for me…this is not the place for them. I love the creamy texture of Oreo Fluff and I don’t want the chewy marshmallows getting in the way of me enjoying that.

Oreo Fluff is so easy to make that it’s a go-to for get-togethers of people who love delicious food…and that definitely includes me.

Bowl of Oreo Fluff via H.Prall & Co. | hprallandco.com

What You’ll Need:

1 (3.4oz) box white chocolate instant pudding mix (regular chocolate works too)

2 cups milk

1 (8oz) container Cool Whip, thawed (I use extra creamy, because, obvs.)

1 pkg. Double Stuff Oreos, crushed (I use my food processor to get them very fine.)


  1. Whisk pudding mix and milk for 2 minutes in a large bowl.

  2. Stir in Cool Whip + crushed Oreo Cookies.

  3. Refrigerate over-night and serve with an extra Oreo on top.

Oreo Fluff recipe from H.Prall & Co. | hprallandco.com

Now, here’s the deal with Oreo Fluff…it’s delicious AND you basically don’t have to chew it, so you can eat a lot of it before you even realize what’s happening. This will become a regular dessert in your rotation once you make it + taste it. Easy + delicious = day made!


*Original recipe found HERE.

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