Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
October 25, 2017

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

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Growing up, my mom had a few recipes that were hers—the ones that people requested for get-togethers or the ones that she would make if someone was sick or needed a pick-me-up. One of my favorites was always her oatmeal chocolate chip cookies; they are the perfect blend of chewy + crunchy…plus the oatmeal gives them just a little something extra.

Any time my mom would mix up the cookie dough, she would try to hide the bowl from my dad while the other batches of cookies were baking; he would always find it, though…and sneak quite a few bites. My dad’s been gone over 13 years now and I love having this memory of him being mischievous. He loved sweets and would always sniff them out; Halloween candy usually had to be bought a couple of times before the trick-or-treating even happened.

An egg for the Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe via H.Prall & Co.
Cookie scoop via H.Prall and Co.

I remember thinking that when I was grown-up and had my own house, I would make extra cookie dough (my favorite part) and eat as much as I wanted. Being an adult has, unfortunately, changed my tune on eating a whole bowl of cookie dough (I kind of like my pants to fit), but this recipe is still one of my favorites and has become one that I now consider my own.

Handwritten recipe on a white clipboard via H.Prall & Co.

What you need:

1 ½ cups brown sugar, packed

1 cup butter, softened

1 egg

1 tsp. vanilla

2 cups quick-cooking oats

1 ½ cups all-purpose flour

1 tsp. baking soda

¼ tsp. salt

1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips


  1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F

  2. Beat butter + brown sugar until combined

  3. Add egg + vanilla, mix well

  4. Add oatmeal, flour, baking soda, + salt. I add oatmeal first (mix) and then the other 3 ingredients. I don’t do the fancy mixing of dry ingredients and then add to the wet. It just kind of all goes in there together.

  5. Add chocolate chips

  6. Bake 9-11 minutes. Now…I usually bake for 11 minutes and then let them cool on the pan. I use the Pampered Chef medium-sized scoop for mine, so baking time will vary depending on what you use to measure out your dough. I don’t go all-in for kitchen gadgets, but this one gets high-marks from me!

That’s all there is to baking the most delicious oatmeal chocolate chip cookies you will ever eat!

This recipe will quickly become one of your favorites, just like it has mine. I have it memorized now, since the Mr. requests them often…but I also have the recipe hanging in my kitchen—a sweet reminder of many happy memories.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies in a pretty white bowl via H.Prall and Co.
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies fresh from the oven via H.Prall & Co.
Freshly baked Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies from H.Prall & Co.
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