

Top 5 Dinner Ideas
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April 2, 2019
What’s for dinner? That is probably the most classic question asked in every household across all the land. No matter who you are or where you live, you’re hungry or you’re in charge of feeding hungry people…and you need some ideas. It’s so funny to me how with the changes of the seasons, we all w
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Knotty Pine Guest House-Cabin Getaway in Northeastern Iowa
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March 19, 2019
I am a creature of habit and that’s ok with me. As much as I love to see and do new things, there’s something very comforting about the familiar. That’s exactly what Knotty Pine Guest House has become for Jason and me. We had a chance to stay there this last week and it was just what this heart of m
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How to Make a Charcuterie Board
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January 8, 2019
Charcuterie boards are all the rage right now…and for good reason! Filled with a rainbow of meats, cheeses, crackers, nuts, spreads, and crackers…they’re basically a smorgasbord of everything that’s delicious in the world. I’ve been enjoying charcuterie boards for several years now, but it hasn’t be
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Spring Greens Salad with Pesto, Trader Joe's Beef-Less Ground Beef, and Heirloom Tomatoes
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November 14, 2018
Ok, so…I love to eat. I love delicious food and it makes me happy. When people say they forget to eat, I don’t understand that. That has literally never happened to me. I mean, I’ve had times when I didn’t have time to eat, but you better believe the whole time I wasn’t eating…I was thinking about w
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Company Pork Chops
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November 6, 2018
I was thinking a while ago about the meals that we eat on the regular and had kind of a crazy realization…I almost never make actual meat as an entrée. What the heck does that even mean, Hilary, you ask? I mean, I make ground beef, crock pot roasts + chicken…but I pretty much never fix meat in the o
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How to Cut + Prepare a Cantaloupe
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October 31, 2018
Okay…so you might not know this about me, but before I started my interior decorating business, I worked for a local grocery store for 20 years. I know, that’s bonkers. I’m clearly not old enough to have worked somewhere for 20 years…but it somehow happened. Ha! For those of you who are from Iowa, I
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How to Store Bananas for a Smoothie
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October 3, 2018
Who remembers that freak-out scene on Saved By The Bell when Jessie Spano is taking caffeine pills and Zack Morris comes to her rescue?? Oh man…one of my faves! If you haven’t seen it, you can find it over HERE – and you’re welcome for the laugh! But seriously…I’m pretty sure we’re all running
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5 Yummy Recipes for Cozy Fall Nights!
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October 2, 2018
As soon as the weather turns a little chilly, my first response—what’s for dinner? Ha! Look, yummy food is important and tasty and is something that definitely gives me something to look forward to after a long day. I know that this time of year is extremely busy for all of us (who am I kidding, li
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Turkey Meatballs
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March 29, 2018
Do you have a food you could eat every day? My friend Abby + I discuss on the regular how meatballs are life and we could eat them I love them plain, with red sauce, or swimming in the delicious sweetness of bbq + grape jelly (sounds weird, tastes amazing). Speaking of meatballs,
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Lemon Cream Cheese Bars
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March 22, 2018
I love all things lemon. It’s such a rich + refreshing taste and makes me feel happy! I’ve never adulted enough to make real-deal lemon bars…they’re coming, I think…I just need to be brave, but these Lemon Cream Cheese Bars are equally delicious and so simple to make! I took the lemon bars to the
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Quinoa Stuffed Peppers
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March 15, 2018
We did not eat stuffed peppers growing up. The only peppers I really can think of at all that we *might* have consumed were of the finely chopped green variety on our Chef Boyardee homemade pizzas…and I remember not liking them very much. It’s amazing to me now how many things I’ve learned to love a
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Spinach Balls
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March 8, 2018
One of the hardest things for me when I’m trying to eat healthy is having a variety of food prepped so I don’t get bored eating the same things over and over. I was searching for some new, healthy recipes the other day and this one jumped out at me. It has all the good things…bits of crunchiness, ch
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