Great Business Cards = Great Branding
September 18, 2018

Great Business Cards = Great Branding

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Great Business Cards = Great Branding | I’m talking about my brand new clear business cards from Basic Invite over at

When I started my business, I didn’t feel official until I had business cards. As I had been meeting new contacts, they’d all ask if I had a business card, and I had to say no…and awkwardly scribble my contact info down for them. All that changed, though, when I got that first box of business cards—I finally had branding!

Once I’d ordered a couple versions of business cards, I knew I wanted mine to stand apart—again, branding. They needed to be different from any I’d seen before. Not only do business cards serve a practical purpose—holding contact info, but they’re also a great conversation starter! Because mine are so unique, when I hand them out to people, they almost always get commented on. Anything I can do to help people remember me (or my business) is a no-brainer! #branding

I was at a networking event last week and put my business card into the drawing bowl for a gift card they were giving away. Since my card is a unique size and weight, it gets drawn fairly often…and this time was no different! I mean, I’m not saying that you should buy business cards based on the chance of winning prizes…but that doesn’t hurt, does it? Hello, $25 gift card for tacos and margaritas, that’s now in my wallet!

So now, about those BUSINESS CARDS

I ordered the Brushstroke Hello CLEAR PLASTIC BUSINESS CARDS from BASIC INVITE a few weeks ago and was dying when they came in the mail! You know how when sometimes you order things online and then get them and they’re kind of a let-down? Not these. It was love at first sight!

Great Business Cards = Great Branding | I’m talking about my brand new clear business cards from Basic Invite over at
Great Business Cards = Great Branding | I’m talking about my brand new clear business cards from Basic Invite over at
Great Business Cards = Great Branding | I’m talking about my brand new clear business cards from Basic Invite over at

They are so unique—which you know I love. Also, I mean, since they need to do their job…they’re easy to read, hold all the necessary contact info, oh…and they’re super cute! Hello, branding! Sensing a theme here?

As soon as I saw the Hello Clear Business Cards, I knew they were the design I wanted, but I still wanted to play around with different designs and colors. I’m a little embarrassed to admit this, but I’m not the most technologically savvy person. Side-bar…I think this is something I need to work on…any takers on helping? Using the Basic Invite website and design tools was super easy, though! I was able to choose from a ton of different colors (180 to be exact) to test-out on my business cards, which is amazing for a design gal like me. Also, for the marketer in me, I think it’s cool that Basic Invite has an address capturing service that let’s me share a link on social media where friends, family, and clients can enter their addresses and they’ll be saved in my account. Ummm, yes please, to anything that helps me capture client info!

Great Business Cards = Great Branding | I’m talking about my brand new clear business cards from Basic Invite over at
Great Business Cards = Great Branding | I’m talking about my brand new clear business cards from Basic Invite over at

One option I haven’t used yet, but will in the future, is ordering a physical sample of my design…so I can make sure it’s just what I want before having hundreds of something printed. We haven’t sent out CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS in a few years, so maybe this will be the perfect chance to test out the custom sample option? Plus, we’re moving in about 3 weeks…so everyone’s going to need an address update. Ugh…who wants to help us pack??

The moral of the story is that I need to be out meeting more people, so I can hand out more of my super cute business cards! Last time—BRANDING! Now that you’ve heard how great my Basic Invite experience has been, I know you’re going to want to order some too, or maybe some invites to your next shin-dig, or the always-popular Christmas greeting card! Whatever it is you want to design, you can find Basic Invite on Facebook (HERE) or Instagram (HERE). I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Although…I think it’s safe to say here that my card will always get picked out of the drawing bowl. #winnerwinnerchickendinner

Christmas Card Design from Basic Invite
Invitation Design from Basic Invite
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