Bargain Shopper
September 6, 2017

Bargain Shopper

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This week I wanted to share a fun, new-to-me, website called Brick Seek. A friend introduced me to it and I knew it would be something you’d all want to know about. The basic idea behind the website is being able to track when certain items go on sale and which of your local stores still have inventory. While you can search several retailers, including Walmart, Amazon, Office Depot, Lowe’s, and Best Buy…the one I think you’ll all be the most interested in is T A R G E T!! I know we all stalk those endcaps looking for the 30%-off sign, hoping for the 50%-off sign, getting a shopper’s high with the 70%-off sign, and definitely grabbing another cart for the 90%-off sign (just happened yesterday to me with the Dollar Spot items—have mercy)!

Your first step is to choose which items you want to track. Everyone’s will be different, so I’m just sharing the numbers from the example pic my friend sent to me…so you’ll have an idea of how it works.

I’m going to show you how to find whether a store near you has certain inventory, since that’s what I would find the most helpful (I don’t like wasted trips). You’ll click the 3 bars at the top right of the webpage. Select Inventory Checkers in the drop-down menu, choose which store you want to search (Target, duh), and then you’ll be taken to the search page.

This is where you’ll need to have either a pic of the clearance sticker you’re searching or the product UPC. For this example, I looked up the pillows using the DPCI (the 9-digit code on the clearance sticker—you can see this on the picture with the pillows above). Once you enter the DPCI, you’ll then enter your zip code and how far you’re willing to travel to buy said items. Then, select Search Inventory…and you’re in business!

As you can see, the store closest to me is out of the pillows and there are 2 more near me that have some in stock. The search also tells me how many the stores each have in stock and what the current selling price is.

I know we’re all busy and watching our dollars, so I think this website is super helpful! You can avoid wasted trips to the store (although…is a trip to Target ever a waste?) and save some money in the process! Plus, sometimes you need multiples of an item and Target might only have 1 or 2; using Brick Seek will help you locate the others you’re trying to find—happy shopping!

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