Keto Pumpkin Pancakes
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I will be the first to admit that I don't get into all the pumpkin hype this time of year. I do, however, love a good piece of pumpkin pie and thought it would be fun to incorporate that flavor into pancakes!
I've been making these Keto Pumpkin Pancakes for breakfast, of course, but they're also good as a snack or treat when I'm craving something a little sweet. They store well, but I've just been whipping up a big batch of the batter and then cooking one or two pancakes as needed, so they're as warm and fresh as possible.

A couple things I wanted to call out before I share the details on how to make them is that:
- I use the entire can of pumpkin at once (taking all the other ingredients x's 7) to make a mega-batch. You could definitely cook them all at once and store in the refrigerator or freezer, to easily pull out when needed. I store the batter in jars, though, so I can cook one or two at a time as I want them. Do whatever works best for you.
- I've been working on perfecting the perfect cooking method for the pancakes...and I think I've nailed it. I don't have a griddle...I just use our smallest SKILLET...and it works just fine. I melt a bit of butter in the bottom of the pan and then turn the heat to low. Pour in the batter and then cover and cook until bubbles start to form. Flip, turn the heat off, and wait about a minute. I get a perfect pancake just about every time this way!

I try to source the cleanest ingredients possible for the foods that we eat. Some we get from local farmers and I try to get the rest from AZURE STANDARD. It's a natural foods coop (no membership fee) that is focused on providing the healthiest foods to its members. If you're interested in being able to procure healthy foods for your family without having to drive all over creation to do it, I can't recommend Azure enough!

I normally eat the pancakes plain...they're good hot off the stove or even cold/room temperature. If I want a bit of extra something, I will put a thin layer of honey butter on top. So good. However, I thought since I was taking some pictures for this post to share with you, I would do something special and make some whipped cream. I mean...that's never a bad idea. All I do to make the whipped cream is pour it cold from the fridge into my stand mixer, start whipping, gradually increasing the speed. As stiff peaks begin to form, I add either a bit of vanilla or almond flavor. Then, just before I'm done mixing, I will spoon in a bit of SWERVE CONFECTIONERS SUGAR (to taste). VOILA! Honestly, I've been eating these pancakes as my "dessert" and feel great about that.

What You'll Need to Make Keto Pumpkin Pancakes:
Ingredients to Make Keto Pumpkin Pancakes:
1 1/2 Tbsp. sugar substitute (I use SWERVE BROWN SUGAR)
1/2 tsp. pumpkin spice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking powder
Pinch of SALT
3 large eggs
Steps to Make Keto Pumpkin Pancakes:
- Mix all dry ingredients in your BOWL
- Add in eggs and pumpkin puree, mix well with your WHISK
- Cook or store until ready to use - I store mine in jars because it's easy to pour the batter into the pan as needed.
It's seriously that easy!!
One of the biggest things that has helped me on my health journey over the last 3.5 years is having recipes for food that is not only good for me, but that actually tastes good as well!! I've always tried to lean toward eating protein heavy, but in the last few months, I'm really narrowing my focus even more on that. These pancakes are heavy on the egg protein (do the math for using the whole can of pumpkin like I do...) Eggs are such a great low calorie, higher protein food, though, that I don't worry at all about using that many in a recipe. I know this is a quick, easy, and tasty way for me to hit my goals.

If you're looking for more low-carb recipes that actually taste good, I have a few others you might enjoy!

If you decide to try these pancakes, I'd love to see! Share to your INSTAGRAM and be sure to tag me!
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