What Your Interior Decorator Wants You to Know
December 22, 2016

What Your Interior Decorator Wants You to Know

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Most of the time when I walk into someone's house for the first time, we're both very pensive. I'm nervous because I want to make a good first impression and they're nervous because they (more than likely) have no idea what to expect. So, I'm here to set your mind at ease and give you the low-down on working with an interior decorator...or at least with me.

1. You have all the power. This seems obvious, but just to reiterate...you have hired me to help make your house a home. In the end, it's your happiness that I'm seeking, so I will do my best to make that happen. Whether it's learning about your interests, trying to figure out the aspects of your home that have most bothered you, or searching high and low for really cool home decor, I am going to work hard to make this a pleasant and beneficial experience...for both of us!

2. You definitely get out of the process what you put in. Now I know there are going to be clients who don't want to be involved in the design process at all, I get that. If we're really honest here, though, even those folks who say, "You just do your thing.", don't really mean it.While they might give me most of the reigns to do the shopping and make the final decisions on placement, I truly believe that there are still decisions they want (and should have) input on. Everyone has their own taste and style...and it should be embraced! That's why I love having open and frequent communication with my clients; I want to learn what makes them tick and what they love...and don't love. Moral of the story is--keep those text messages, product links, and Pins a'coming!

Living Room Built-Ins Styled by Rustopia Consulting.

3. It's all worth it in the end. There are some projects that take a lot of time and money, while others don't take much of either. Whatever kind of project yours ends up to be, you will be so happy you made the decision to do it! Making your house a home is so rewarding. After years of living somewhere that has never been "quite right," you will instead be welcomed home every night to a place that is now personal, unique, and FINISHED!I think so many of us put different projects off because of time restraints or just life getting in the way, but hiring an interior decorator can take the pressure off of that aspect of the home, allowing you to simply enjoy your space.

Shelf Styling Using Picture Frames and Books.

I hope that you decide to take the plunge, to hire an interior decorator...to have a beautiful and welcoming home that reflects who you are!

Stay stylish,


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