Tips for Choosing an Area Rug
February 21, 2018

Tips for Choosing an Area Rug

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One of the most frequently asked questions I get asked is how to choose an area rug. Area rugs can be a large investment and take up a lot of visual space in your room, so you want to make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck and selecting the correct size.

Just like anything home décor related, there aren’t a lot of rules when choosing an area rug; there are a few things to consider, though, and I’m sharing my tips with you here!


1. No furniture legs touching the area rug—You would select an area rug that fits within the seating area created by your furniture, with none of the furniture legs touching the rug (except for a coffee table or ottoman in the middle of the rug).


(Photo credit:

2. Front legs of the furniture touching the area rug—The area rug size would be big enough that part of the rug would fit under the front legs of the furniture. This could include your sofa, chairs, and end or accent tables—any furniture pieces that would fall onto the border of the area rug.


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3. All legs of the furniture touching the area rug—Think big on this one! The area rug would be large enough for all the furniture within the seating area to be completely on the rug. You’re defining the entire space using the area rug as a border within the room.


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You only need to know 1 rule when choosing an area rug for your Dining Room—YAY!

Choosing an area rug for a dining room is simple once you know the rule! You want an area rug large enough that when the chairs are pulled back from the table, all the legs are still touching the rug. EASY PEASY!


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You have 2 options for choosing an area rug for your Bedroom.

1. Place an area rug (horizontally) under the bed—You’ll want the area rug to stop 2/3 of the way from the top of the bed and come out from the sides + foot of the bed with enough rug to stand on. The rug should have impact in the space and anchor the bed, so you may want to size up to achieve the look you want.


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2. Use runner rugs on either side of the bed or at the foot of the bed—Choose a rug that fits within the space of your bedside table and the foot of your bed, if running the length of the bed. If you choose a runner rug for the foot of the bed, it can extend a bit past either side of the bed.


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Choosing an area rug will be so much easier when using these rules—and remember, once you know the rules, you can break them! Rules—in decorating, at least—are meant to be guidelines to help you achieve the look you want. You don’t have to follow them perfectly, but they do help you to START THE PROCESS!

You can find some of my favorite area rugs here,here,here,here,here, and here!

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