The Only Towels You’ll Ever Need (Or Want)
November 8, 2017

The Only Towels You’ll Ever Need (Or Want)

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A while back I shared with you all how I’m slowly culling our house to only have pieces that we truly love + use. If you have fewer possessions (clothes, dishes, décor, toys, etc.), you can spend more on the pieces you do have AND you will actually enjoy them more because you know you have them and where to find them. I recently made a switch with our bath towels + washcloths (I’m hoping to do the same with dishtowels soon). I’ve been wanting Turkish towels for a while but just wasn’t ready to commit. I finally decided it was time for a couple of reasons. 1. The Mr. is always pointing out that our towels get stinky really quickly. This happens because they’re the usual, thick terry cloth that most towels are and the hooks we use are on the back of the bathroom door, which opens into the shower curtain. So…the towels never fully dried = stinky. 2. I’m also trying to slim down our personal possessions, but also have them be aesthetically pleasing, of good quality, and stay with a whole-house color scheme.

Stick with me here… Now, you know all those Instagram and Facebook accounts that you love to look at because all the pictures are beautiful and seemingly perfect? Well…some of them are, but also, a lot of those folks take a lot of time and energy to surround themselves with gorgeous things that all match. I know it’s not reasonable to think that you can just toss-out all your belongings and start new (I got 99 problems, but too much money ain’t one), but you can take a little more time when choosing what goes into your space.

Folded up Turkish towels on a stool in front of a wall with hand painted song lyrics via H.Prall & Co.
Folded gray Turkish towels with a succulent plant sitting on top via H.Prall & Co.

My suggestion for starting this process is to focus on clearing out anything you don’t love—just get rid of it—bye, Felicia! I was thankfully able to sell our other towels on a local swap page. I washed + dried them and they went to a great new home! Selling is always nice b/c it takes a little pressure off the price of the new, amazing pieces you’re dreaming of! Once you’ve cleared out, you’ll have space for the items you’ve wanted and will get the added bonus of them being pretty to look at. I really can’t emphasize enough how much our surroundings affect how we feel about ourselves and can motivate us either positively or negatively!

Now, before you go selling all your stuff, make sure you do some research first; that’s where I come in! I’ll be doing a lot of the legwork for you to tell you what I love, what other people love, and the smartest ways to purchase! I’m getting to the towels…I promise!

Gray and white striped Turkish towels with a succulent plant sitting on top via H.Prall & Co.
Gray and white striped Turkish towels folded up on top of a bar stool via H.Prall & Co.

I’ve purchased a couple brands + styles of the Turkish towels and love them both; you can shop my favorites here,hereand here. The benefits of choosing this type of towel over the standard terry cloth are: quick drying time (no more stinky!), high style points and the bath towels are extra roomy for good wrap-around coverage (ha!) – Sidebar, my Grandma was the best at sending letters for as long as I can remember and she would always write or type ‘ha’ after things she thought were especially funny. I guess I’m keeping the tradition alive!

With so many color combinations + textures to choose from, Turkish towels can add a lot of style to your space! I like to have a bit of variety while sticking with my on-going quest for a whole-house color palette, so I’ve purchased a few complementary towels. I also selected the last set from above b/c it comes with both hand towels and washcloths.

I guess my next project needs to be going through my kitchen towels, but that project will be a little tougher for this gal—I have a deep love for flour sack towels that might be tough to break! I’ll keep you posted on how that goes and what towels I end up buying!

H.Prall & Co. Signature via H.Prall & Co.
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