The Bloom Bloom Room
March 27, 2016

The Bloom Bloom Room

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Terrariums and fairy gardens are all the rage right now. By following these steps, you can have one {or a few} of your very own.

All you need to get started is some sort of a container {make sure it's big enough to accommodate the layers you need to build}, the planting material, the plants you're going to use {you'll need to pick soil depending on which ones you have}, and, finally, your decorations.

Aquarium and 2 gumball machines for DIY terrarium projects. ||

1. Containers: aquarium and 2 gumball machines.

DIY terrarium materials: sand, large stones, peat moss, potting mix {I chose mine based on the succulents I was planting}, aquarium gravel. ||

2. Planting Materials: sand, large stones, peat moss, potting mix {I chose mine based on the succulents I was planting}, aquarium gravel.

25 various succulent cuttings from Amazon {plants on changing.} ||

3. Plants: the sky is the limit when it comes to the plants you choose! My client wanted succulents, so we found a great deal on 25 cuttings from Amazon {plants on changing.}

A layer of sand at the bottom of an aquarium being used to create a DIY terrarium. ||

4. Layer of sand.

A layer of medium sized stones at the bottom of an aquarium for a DIY terrarium project. ||

5. Layer of large stones.

A layer of peat moss in an aquarium being used for a DIY terrarium project. ||

6. Layer of peat moss.

Soil layer at the bottom of an aquarium for a DIY terrarium project. ||

7. Layer of soil.

Succulents in a DIY terrarium made in an aquarium. ||

9. Layer your plants in your container. You can mound dirt up in some areas and make it lower in others. I wanted a bigger plant included in the mix, but it requires different soil than the succulents, so I placed the whole pot in my terrarium and surrounded it with the soil and rocks. This way it can have the right soil and can be watered more regularly than the succulents.

Bright Pink aquarium gravel among succulents in a DIY terrarium. ||

10. Layer of aquarium gravel {you can pick any color you want depending on your decor.}

An air plant on top of a white rustic pig figurine on top of bright pink aquarium gravel in a DIY terrarium. ||

11. Decorations: my client had a pig figurine she wanted to use in the terrarium. I added an air plant on top for even more interest. You can use whatever you have on hand to give dimension and texture to the terrarium.

These steps are really just the foundation to building a terrarium or layered planter. Use your imagination and your knick-knack collection to make your creation unique!

Stay Stylish,


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