Tall Grasses + Mantels = The Perfect Pair
October 18, 2017

Tall Grasses + Mantels = The Perfect Pair

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I was in a store recently and there was a woman in the aisle with me who seemed a little lost. I casually asked her what she was looking for and she instantly opened-up about a home project she was working on. She and her husband had recently redone their mantel wall and she was now struggling with how to style it. I ended up having a mini consultation with her right there in the TJ Maxx fake plant aisle and let her in on one of my favorite tricks for mantels.

Now, some people really love to decorate and putter around with different accessories, but others really struggle to bring a look together. One way you can (almost) always have a stylish and cohesive mantel is to flank either side with matching tall grasses. This helps to frame whatever pieces you decide to display and it always looks clean and well-dressed.

Living room design using pops of yellow and turquoise from H.Prall and Co.
Living room design with tall grasses on the mantel to surround the TV via H. Prall and Co.
Living room design with yellow poofs, and a gray area rug from H.Prall and Co.

The trend in recent years has been to hang televisions above fireplaces. The struggle with that, though, is there really isn’t space left to create a mantel vignette, but there is usually space left on either side of the television that ends up looking empty and awkward. Using tall grasses easily fills in these spaces and creates a nice pop of color against the dark backdrop of the television.

Living room design using tall grasses to fill a tall space via HPrallandCo.com

This technique can be used anywhere you need something of stature and want to add color. Large furniture pieces like this entertainment center can be a struggle to decorate. Using the tall grasses allows for a striking display without filling the top with lots of clutter—clean and simple!

I usually find most of the fake greenery and flowers I use at TJ Maxx (like the ones here), but you can also find them at Hobby Lobby (here), Kirkland’s (here), or Amazon (here). A couple of tips I suggest are getting the tallest ones you can, without going taller than the top of your television and buying a matching set—for the best look.

I’d love for you to share a picture of your mantel if you decide to try this out—or have already! Tag H.Prall & Co. on Facebook or Instagram!

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