Room Refresh with Area Rugs
January 13, 2020

Room Refresh with Area Rugs

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*This blog post is sponsored. All words and opinions are my own.

When we first moved into our new house last year, I knew that we were going to need some new pieces…both furniture and décor. The house is bigger than our old one and is a different design and layout, so a lot of the furniture and accessories that we brought with us didn’t work as well.

If you’ve ever moved before, though, you know how expensive it can be! Holy moly…I still feel like we’re feeling the strain of the move financially…slowing acclimating to a new house payment and added expenses. But that’s not why you’re here, right, you wanna see some pretty house stuff!

Before we moved, I scored the most beautiful vintage wool rug at Goodwill for $50! This beauty is huge! I knew we didn’t have a place for it in our old home, but I crossed my fingers that it would work wherever we landed. And it did! I couldn’t believe how well it worked in the space, both size wise…and even with its coloring.

The more I started to get the house to be decorated and painted in my style, though, I realized the area rug just wasn’t going to work out. The colors are darker than I prefer…and there was just a lot of red happening. Ugh…as much as I love the richness of older things, sometimes their color and patina just don’t work with my overall aesthetic. *Side note: When you start to identify what your personal style is and what you truly enjoy, decorating your home becomes so much easier and more fun!

Room Refresh with Area Rugs from | H. Prall & Co. Interior Decorating | Des Moines, IA
Room Refresh with Area Rugs from | H. Prall & Co. Interior Decorating | Des Moines, IA

So, we’ve moved my beautiful, thrifted, wool area rug to the basement. I’ll try it out down there, but I’m thinking I will feel the same way about it there as I did in our living room. It might be time to sell… *sigh* Around the same time, I got the itch to change out the rug in our master bedroom. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the rug we had in there. It was one of the first “serious” area rugs I purchased for our old home. I used it under the dining room table there, and when we moved into our new house, decided that it worked much better under our bed.

There were a couple of problems with the rug, though. First, the size just wasn’t quite right. It served its purpose, but it fell short under our king-size bed. Secondly, we got a puppy a few months back…and he did quite a number on it—chewing and pulling the strings. It was fine, but I thought if I was going to go through the trouble of moving one giant rug, I might as well do two! I’m never as motivated as when I have a big project in front of me. That rug has also made its way to the basement. I was going to try and sell it, but realized I think it will be perfect under the bed in our guest room. Waste not, want not!

Once the decision was made to get new rugs, I knew right where to turn— WAYFAIR ! It’s where I send all my clients for area rugs! There’s a huge selection and the prices are so goods. Hello…I was going to be purchasing two large rugs…I needed to do this room refresh on a budget! Thanks to Wayfair, I was able to do that, and not feel guilty about purchasing new when I had something that was technically working for what I needed it to.

Room Refresh with Area Rugs from | H. Prall & Co. Interior Decorating | Des Moines, IA

I knew that I wanted at least the same size rug in our living room, and an area rug that was bigger in our master bedroom.

Tip: Make sure that you measure before you purchase anything for your home. When you’re shopping for things in person, everything looks smaller than it actually is, because you’re in a larger setting than the rooms in your home are. When you shop for things on-line, it’s almost impossible to gauge whether they will work in your space, unless you understand their measurements and the measurements of the area they will be going.

I ended up purchasing THIS rug for our bedroom. I wanted something light and bright to work with the colors that are already in the space. I also wanted a rug that would work with the carpeting in our room…and not have a hard, obvious edge where the two met. The rug I picked out is so perfect and I am even more pleased with it than I thought I would be! The size is just right and has brought a whole new feel to the space! I also loved that I got the rug right at the same time as Christmas decorations came down, so our bedroom felt completely new! I styled our picture ledge with things from my décor stash and tried to pull items that would complement the colors in the rug. I think it looks fresh and fabulous!

Room Refresh with Area Rugs from | H. Prall & Co. Interior Decorating | Des Moines, IA
Room Refresh with Area Rugs from | H. Prall & Co. Interior Decorating | Des Moines, IA

I couldn’t get quite as big of an area rug for our living room. Often, custom or vintage rugs, have odd shapes and sizes, where, rugs sold by major retailers or that are mass-produced, have more concrete measurements. I ended up purchasing THIS area rug and I’m not even sad about that it’s smaller than our old one. The rug has absolutely transformed the space and I love it! We purchased new furniture last summer and I just kept feeling like our rug wasn’t doing it justice. This rug, though, is all that and so much more. The colors are bright and cheerful, but when you look at it up-close, the pattern is made of up slightly mottled colors…so forgiving for foot traffic and spills! I am so impressed with how the rug fit in this space perfectly and how it gave the room the refresh I was hoping for.

Room Refresh with Area Rugs from | H. Prall & Co. Interior Decorating | Des Moines, IA
Room Refresh with Area Rugs from | H. Prall & Co. Interior Decorating | Des Moines, IA
Room Refresh with Area Rugs from | H. Prall & Co. Interior Decorating | Des Moines, IA
Room Refresh with Area Rugs from | H. Prall & Co. Interior Decorating | Des Moines, IA

Now I’m debating new curtains…but that’s for another day. Ha! If you’re interested, you can start your search for the perfect area rug for your space HERE . And just so we’re clear, as I looked up that link to share, there were so many more rugs that caught my eye—you won’t be disappointed! The other great thing about Wayfair is their return policy. You can read about that HERE . See the image below for more details.

Christmas Decorating Two Ways: Neutral or Colorful Glam from | H. Prall & Co. Interior Decorating | Des Moines, IA

I’m so pleased with how both of my room refreshes and makeovers turned out in the new year, to start 2020 off with a bang! If you’re shopping for your home on a budget, I would highly recommend both of the rugs I purchased. If they’re not your jam, or don’t work with your color scheme, no worries! Wayfair has so many choices for you and your home! Happy shopping and refreshing, friends!

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