How To Stop Copy-Cat Decorating
June 13, 2018

How To Stop Copy-Cat Decorating

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How To Stop Copy-Cat Decorating

I shared a post on Instagram a couple months ago encouraging everyone to decorate their houses however they darn well please. It’s so easy to get so caught up in what everyone else is doing, by what we see on Instagram -or- Facebook -or- Pinterest, that we can’t even seem to make a decision when it comes to our own houses.

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Well, one of my Instagram followers commented with the hashtag, #keepyoureyesonyourownpaper …and oh.em.gee…I couldn’t have loved it more! I mean, seriously! If we could all just keep our eyes to ourselves, decorating our houses would be so much easier and more fulfilling!

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So, if you’re feeling the comparison bug creeping in, it’s time to cover your eyes and focus on your own work! You’ll love it so much more in the end, anyway, because you did it!

If you want some inspiration for décor for your own house, I share a gazillion different options on the app and would love for you to follow me over there! I share lots of different styles and price-points so you can find just the perfect things for YOU…instead of wondering what other people are buying. Follow me HERE!

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