How to Sell on Facebook Marketplace
A few years ago, Facebook groups started popping-up in different areas around the country and were basically virtual garage sales. You could post items for sale and people who lived near you could say they wanted to buy it. It was so civilized back then (well, mostly). You would sell to the first person who commented, you were supposed to give them 24 hours to respond back to you and selling first-come first-serve was unheard of.
Fast-forward a few years, and Facebook wanted to take advantage of all these groups forming on its platform. They launched Facebook Marketplace as a place to post your items for sale, instead of the individual groups. While you can still post to the groups, the main player is Marketplace.
Facebook Marketplace is cool because it’s tons of people posting their things for sale—so much opportunity!! But Facebook Marketplace is lame because it’s tons of people buying. There have been so many things that I’ve wanted, that have been listed within minutes of me messaging, and they’ve already been sold. Add onto that, most people selling to whoever can come pick-up the soonest…Facebook Marketplace has broken my buying spirit a bit.
However, as a seller…it’s land aplenty! With so many people buying, there is a lot of opportunity to turn a profit on Facebook Marketplace and make fast cash from things you’re not using anymore! I will sell anything and everything—items from around the house, things I find on the curb that someone else is throwing away, plus thrift store and garage sale finds!
If you’ve been wanting to clear out your stash of unused items at home (think kitchen appliances, clothing that doesn’t fit anymore, home décor you no longer love), Facebook Marketplace is a great place to start selling! Unlike a consignment shop, you get to keep all the profits—making your shopping budget a little bit higher for the next time you go shopping!! Also, a positive benefit of the social distancing thing…you don’t even have to have contact with anyone. If you’re comfortable, just leave the item on your porch (or designated spot), tell them where to leave the money (if they haven’t used Facbook Pay to pay you), and your work is done!
Selling on Facebook Marketplace is pretty straight forward. Have something to sell, take a picture, post it to sell. However, if you want to have the most success you can, I’m sharing 11 of my top tips for selling on Facebook Marketplace! I’ve done my fair share of selling and can tell you that taking these steps makes all the difference in the experience—and success! The goal is to sell…but why not sell for the most money you can??
It’s time to start opening up those drawers, cupboards, and closets to see what you can sell! You will feel so much better about your home, your house will feel lighter, and your pockets will be richer for it!
If you decide to start selling, I would love for you to share to your Instagram story and tag me, so I can cheer you on! You can find me on Instagram at @hilaryprall.