Hold Me Closer...Tiny Planter
August 2, 2017

Hold Me Closer...Tiny Planter

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So, if you’ve known me for very long, you know that I love to go junking…in any form…thrift store, tag/estate sales, or even picking up treasure from the curb. One thing I see ||almost|| every time I’m out is mugs a’plenty. Now…it’s pretty tempting to load up on these little vessels of joy. They’re always cheap, they have more designs than you could ever begin to count…and they’re tiny, so they shouldn’t take up much space. That is, until you’ve picked one up on all your adventures.

Before you start freaking out at the thought of your cupboard that’s ||more than likely|| overflowing with mug goodness at this very moment…there’s hope! Quite a while ago, I started turning the cutie mugs I had sitting around into planters.

Empty coffee mug sitting on top of a vintage typewriter. || RustopiaConsulting.com

I couldn’t have planned a better thrift find for my clients than these Home Sweet Home mugs!

Mugs are the perfect size for tiny little house plants or succulents that won’t take up a lot of space at someone’s house or on their desk at work. The next time you’re wondering what you can do to brighten the day of a friend, neighbor, or even a stranger on the street…the answer’s right in your cupboard!

You will need to have tiny plants…because the mugs are pretty small themselves. I was at a new-to-me greenhouse over the weekend and they had tables of these “itty bitties” and I was instantly in love.

I normally have the best luck finding small plants at Lowe’s, the Walmart, or Trader Joe’s. There is also a local grocery store that has selection of “fairy garden” plants that work perfectly for the mug planters. House plants are becoming more popular every day, so it’s going to be even easier for you to find the right size, shape, and color of plant for your project!

Hand holding a tiny plant while outside in the yard. || RustopiaConsulting.com

Once you have your mug and plants in hand…all you need to do is put them together! There are lots of different soils and planting methods depending on the plants…but that’s for another day. Throw caution to the wind and get planting! The one thing I will suggest is that if you’re working with succulents, make sure you use some stones in the bottom for drainage…your plants will thank you.

Three Home Sweet Home mugs as planters for mini plants. || RustopiaConsulting.com
Home Sweet Home mug as a succulent planter. || RustopiaConsulting.com

Now it’s time for you to check the cupboards for hidden treasure…or hit up the thrift…it’s always good for a fun time!

I give tiny plants in mugs 2 enthusiastic ||green|| thumbs up!

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