Creative Dresser Ideas
August 22, 2018

Creative Dresser Ideas

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Something occurred to me this week, although, this should have happened a lot sooner…the lightbulb is sometimes slow to turn on. I work with a lot of clients who have big, beautiful walk-in closets, with plenty of clothing storage. These same closets basically make dressers obsolete, but we still kind of need something in the bedrooms to hold some décor and make the space look a little more finished.

Enter the buffet! I’ve had 2 clients who have opted to use a buffet piece in place of a traditional dresser…and I love the look! If you don’t need drawer storage specifically, this can be a great option and a way to add a twist to a commonly traditional look. Matching bedroom furniture is fine, and most people have it, but trading a dresser for a gorgeous buffet will definitely make a statement in the bedroom—oh la la!

Creative Dresser Ideas from | H.Prall & Co. Interior Decorating
Creative Dresser Ideas from | H.Prall & Co. Interior Decorating
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