Because We All Love a Good Before and After, Right?
April 18, 2018

Because We All Love a Good Before and After, Right?

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When I post before + after photos on social media of the spaces I create for my clients, they get more likes and comments than any of my other posts. Give the people what they want, right?

A couple of weeks ago, I shared with you what a mood board is and how our process works to create custom mood boards for our clients. I seriously love them so much and think they’re such a budget-friendly way for you to have professionally-curated style in your home!

Today I’m sharing the custom mood board process for a bedroom I created for a young lady—a gift from her parents. Seriously…how sweet!?

The project started by my client purchasing the Mood Board Package from our website. It’s quick and easy to do, and then the fun begins! You can read all about the package HERE!

Once the order came through, I reached out to her to set up a time for us to have a phone consultation. During the phone meeting we chat all about what your hopes are for the space I’ll be designing the mood board for. You can share which furniture + décor pieces you want me to shop for, as well as any colors, patterns, textures, or themes you’d like included in the space. The client I designed this specific mood board for wanted me to include pineapples in the design and use a color palette of pink, black, and white. She also asked that I look for bedding, a floor and desk lamp, and artwork. From there, I was able to shop for other accessories that would help to finish the space.

I quickly got to work sourcing pieces to create the perfect mood board for my client! When I was done, I sent her the completed mood board, as well as a complete list of links so she could shop for everything I was sharing. She didn’t use her option to have one round of edits (depending on the package you choose, you can have either one or two rounds of edits), but because of time constraints on her project, we both ended up finding a couple of alternate pieces she could order in time to finish the bedroom for her daughter.


Overall, my client was able to shop directly from the list of products I provided her with the mood board, as well as, create the space she had envisioned. She didn’t have to spend a lot of time driving around, searching stores for décor—or even spend time looking online. Life is so busy—I think anything that can save us time is an invaluable tool!

My client’s daughter was surprised with such an amazing space and I smiled so big when I got the reveal photos! What a special gift to give yourself or someone you love!

Because we all love a good before and after-2
Because we all love a good before and after-3
Because we all love a good before and after-4
Because we all love a good before and after-5
Because we all love a good before and after-6
Because we all love a good before and after-7
Because we all love a good before and after-8
Because we all love a good before and after-9
Because we all love a good before and after-10
Because we all love a good before and after-11
Because we all love a good before and after-12
Because we all love a good before and after-13

If you’re life is crazy busy (hello, everyone!) or you just don’t know what pieces will work well together in your space, I’d love for you to consider a Custom Mood Board!

Heart Hilary

Are we Insta-friends? You can follow along with more of my shenanigans over on Instagram HERE!

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