5 Tips to Enjoy the Holiday Season
December 4, 2018

5 Tips to Enjoy the Holiday Season

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Hello, my beautiful friends! I found myself at Target yesterday and we commented about how busy it was. The girl was like, ‘yep…it’s 3 weeks until Christmas.’ What?! I mean…I know that it’s happening, our halls have been decked (almost done) and I’ve bought a few presents, but it was still a shock to my ears to hear her say it! I was instantly in panic mode even thinking about how what she said was true.

It’s so easy to lose track of what’s important this time of year and that can make our lives extra stressful…but it doesn’t need to. I thought I’d share a few things that I’m working on this year to make my Christmas holiday season more enjoyable, so maybe they’ll help you too!

5 Tips to Enjoy the Holiday Season

  1. Take your time. Normally we get our tree the day after Thanksgiving and promptly get all the Christmas decorating done by the following Monday. This year, by a mix of circumstances and choice, the tree isn’t completely decorated, and neither is the rest of the house. You know what? That’s ok! I’m learning to be ok with the boxes and totes still being out and will finish by the end of this week instead. One week is not going to make or break the season for me.

  2. Do the fun things! We’re all busy. We all have schedules, deadlines, and things we’re not super excited to do. I get it. We also set silly expectations for ourselves that everything has to be perfect and complete before we can possible think about something else. Wanna know something? The world will keep spinning if you put off that one thing that’s looming over you, so that you can go do the fun things with your family + friends. No one is going to remember if you had all your ducks in a row at every moment, but they will remember if you weren’t there to enjoy things with them.

  3. Take pictures AND be in them. None of is in love with how we look all the time, but I realized the other day, that I don’t take as many pictures of people, myself included, as I should. I will want these memories someday…even if the day the pictures were taken, I wanted to hide behind the camera.

  4. Eat the treats! The holidays only come around once a year and it’s not going to derail all your hard work to enjoy a few sweets. Just remember to have everything in moderation, up your water intake, and log a few extra steps. There’s no sense in the self-loathing game that can happen over those Christmas cookies.

  5. Say no. It’s hard, I know, but there just might be some things you don’t feel like doing around the holidays. There are a lot of invitations, but no extra hours. If you start to feel like you’re getting run-down, tired, or just plain want to stay home…do it! Your friends will understand…and if it’s for something that doesn’t involve anyone you care about…even better. Stay in your jams and enjoy a spa night at home or a movie date with your family instead!

Okay, friends…remember, I’m working on these things too, so let’s all encourage each other to have grace during this season that’s supposed to be the happiest time of the year. Since we know it can turn into something else very quickly, it’s nice to have some reminders to keep us in line and encourage enjoyment! Happy Holidays!

5 Tips to Enjoy the Holiday Season | hprallandco.com
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