$25 Summer Thrift Challenge
June 11, 2024

$25 Summer Thrift Challenge


Going to the thrift store without a plan can be a little overwhelming, so I thought it would be fun to create a $25 Summer Thrift Challenge to see what I could find that would be fun and helpful for the season.

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One of the top comments I get from people who don't thrift regularly is that they think it is an overwhelming process. I totally get it!! If you're not used to going to the thrift store and just decided to pop in one day, willy nilly, you are likely going to take a quick spin through and then leave...because it will be hard to even focus on anything. That's where the summer thrift challenge comes in! I landed on a $25 limit for the challenge because I was planning for a thrift-themed segment on Hello Iowa (you can watch below), but you could do any amount really...or have no limit at all (LUCKY!).

Before you start your thrift challenge, it's helpful to have a few tips in mind.

  1. Look at what you currently have. What's missing? What needs to be replaced?
  2. While you're checking out your stash of goodies, look for things you can donate--and actually take them!
  3. When you're thrifting, think outside of the box. Check the men's department for cute t-shirts, sort through the bedding for blankets (perfect for the beach or a picnic), and be sure to hit up the craft section for cute themed decor.

Pro-tip: It's ok to thrift things for a one-time use and then turn right around and re-donate them. Better to do that than take the time to pack them away never to be seen again...

Floral dress on a basket, folded beach towels, black sandals, garden tools, vintage dominoes
Not the best picture ever, but you get the idea. I got a little bit of everything, but it will all get used! 

My summer thrift challenge yielded a mish-mash of things, but I'm ok with it because I love everything I got! My specific list of needs was beach towels, dresses, garden tools/accessories. I ended up finding some great pieces that will fit in great with things that I already have. You want to keep in mind what you currently own, so you don't end up with items that clash...especially if you're shopping for clothing, decor, or linens.

Floral dress on a basket, folded beach towels, black sandals, garden tools, vintage dominoes

Baskets ($5) are always a good idea. This one is especially nice because it is square on top (can be stacked) and has a handle! I can use it for a picnic or storage! I've been using it out on our deck for now, tucked under a table, and I love the texture it adds. Want to do a little thrifting from the comfort of your home? Look at this great thrifty coupon I found! I also picked up the sweetest floral dress. I live in dresses in the summer and sometimes it can be hard to find the particular style that I prefer, especially if it's not trending at the moment. This one fits perfectly and feels really nice on. Plus, I got it at the Goodwill Outlet where you pay by the pound, so it cost practically nothing ($1).

woven basket, beach towels, black sandals

Speaking of the Goodwill Outlet...I also found these sandals ($1) that retail for over $150! They are real leather and are in great condition! I wore them with the dress for my thrifting news segment. You can also peep the beach towels I found. They cost a little more than I would have liked to spend ($4 each), but they're in good condition and I've never met a stripe I didn't like.

Floral dress on a basket, folded beach towels, black sandals, garden tools, vintage dominoes

More stripes! This little bag has a waterproof beach blanket ($3) in it, which ironically has pineapples on it, like the other beach towel. It could double as a table cloth as well...love multi-functional!

Floral dress on a basket, folded beach towels, black sandals, garden tools, vintage dominoes

I can never seem to find my garden tools, so I've been trying to accumulate multiples as I find them. I grabbed this trowel and weed knife at an estate sale recently ($4). My only regret is that I didn't buy all the other tools garden tools there. Guess I better get myself to another sale. Lastly, I grabbed this sweet box of vintage Dominoes ($3). The box has the name Tommy written on it in the cutest little kid handwriting. They make great decor and can be played with too! 

I'm sure that there are lots more summer themed things I could look for at the thrift store, but it was a lot of fun to see what I could buy with $25! All of this made better by the fact that I will actually use these items. It can be easy to go overboard at the thrift store because the purchases don't necessarily seem expensive, but they do add up and it's a bummer when they just end up stashed away somewhere, only to end up back at the thrift someday.

I'd love for you to take the challenge too, if it sounds like fun! Share a pic of your finds on Instagram and tag me so I can see: @hilaryprall.


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